The Breach

Will the Government Protect Abortion Clinic Access In the Era of Trump?

Episode Summary

Rewire VP of Law and the Courts Jessica Mason Pieklo joins Lindsay Beyerstein for a special episode on abortion access to mark the launch of Rewire’s first original documentary, “Care in Chaos.” Anti-choice activists are already testing the federal government’s commitment to enforcing the FACE Act, which makes it a federal crime to blockade an abortion clinic. If the federal government won’t defend the rule of law, we could be looking at a return to the tactics of the “Summer of Mercy,” when thousands of anti-choice protesters physically blocked access to clinics in Wichita, KS. “Care in Chaos,” directed by Lindsay Beyerstein and Martyna Starosta, follows a 27-year-old abortion clinic administrator as she battles anti-choice aggression and law enforcement indifference that threatens safe access for patients and staff. Recommended Reading: Ivanka Inc. by Matea Gold, Drew Harwell, Maher Sattar and Simon Denyer for The Washington Post, July 2017

Episode Notes

Rewire VP of Law and the Courts Jessica Mason Pieklo joins Lindsay Beyerstein for a special episode on abortion access to mark the launch of Rewire’s first original documentary, “Care in Chaos.” Anti-choice activists are already testing the federal government’s commitment to enforcing the FACE Act, which makes it a federal crime to blockade an abortion clinic. If the federal government won’t defend the rule of law, we could be looking at a return to the tactics of the “Summer of Mercy,” when thousands of anti-choice protesters physically blocked access to clinics in Wichita, KS.

Care in Chaos,” directed by Lindsay Beyerstein and Martyna Starosta, follows a 27-year-old abortion clinic administrator as she battles anti-choice aggression and law enforcement indifference that threatens safe access for patients and staff.

Recommended Reading:

Ivanka Inc. by Matea Gold, Drew Harwell, Maher Sattar and Simon Denyer for The Washington Post, July 2017